Food Tour Paris à Paris 7eme arrondissement
Food Tour Paris
2 avenue Gustave eiffel
75007 Paris 7eme Arrondissement
2 avenue Gustave eiffel
75007 Paris 7eme Arrondissement
Téléphone: 0699001126
Welcome to Food Tour Paris ! FOOD TOUR PARIS offers various courses allowing to discover and eat the greatest things available in Paris. We do the exact same thing we´ve been doing with family and friends for years, we´ll take you to places we love to share that you might not find on your own. You´ll be guided by local folks with an unbelievable passion for food and for their city, the most visited in the world. FOOD TOUR PARIS will allow you to stroll about into Paris as you were a parisian. Travel the world grab it and taste it within Paris´s streets. The FOOD TOUR PARIS experience will create memories to last a lifetime. - Food Tour Paris Tours When we say food tour, we mean a true food tour ! We make sure our food tour has plenty of food for a lunchtime appetite even for two. No small samples or bite size pieces You'll taste farm fresh ingredients that inspire local chefs. If you finish a tour and think I’m hungry: Your Food Tour Paris guide offer you a drink. This is Food Tour Paris Tours : What makes us different ? Our tour will take you on a unique food adventure off the beaten path. Low prices, as we would like to share Paris secret with most of you. Our tours are limited to 2-16 guests. We really like food and sharing our secret spot with you. - Food Tour Paris Tours : Check your shoe and your stomach, your experience starts there ! Tour #3 : Food Tour Paris "Best of Paris" Typical tastings A french classical seashell : oyster Breizh typical crepes, the best of Paris An amazing mexican Burito with Tortilla chips and chili sauce A tradionnal Flamenkueche, tradion of east of France A excellent croissant baked with much butter To start the desert, a succulent CHEESECAKE or PASTEIS DE NATA And to conclude, an delightment of french pastries Tour #3 : Food Tour Paris - "Best of Paris" Itinerary Food Tour Paris is from Eiffel Tower to Avenue des Champs Elysées We will then terminate the tour near the Opera Garnier and the Galerie Lafayette.Horaires d'ouverture
Toute l'année
Lundi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Mardi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Mercredi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Jeudi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Vendredi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Samedi | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Dimanche | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Jours fériés | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Veille de jours fériés | Ouvert non-stop de 09:00 à 22:00 |
Indice de prix: 20 à 50 € |
Le ticket: De 20€ à 30€ |
Livre: 10€ |
Informations utiles
Moyenne d'âge: Tous agesNombre de salles: 6
Superficie: 200 m²
Capacité d'accueil: 30 personnes
Langues parlées: Français Anglais Espagnol Allemand
Mode de paiement: Espèces Chèques Cartes banquaires Dinners American express Travlers chèques Tickets resto Chèques vacances Chèques cadeaux
Services proposées: Restaurant Snack Bar
Informations pratiques

Centre ville

Centre commercial (Galerie Lafayette / Printemps) Axe routier (Boulevard Haussman) Gare (Gare Saint Lazare) Aéroport Arrêt de Bus Administration (Palais de l'Elysees)

Parcours de randonné Site touristique (Eiffel Tower) Monument historique (Eiffel Tower)

Sur place A emporter

Autres Lieux à visiter et visites guidées proches

12 Rue De Citeaux, Paris 12eme Arrondissement 75012

Sise 77, Rue De Bagnolet, Paris 20eme Arrondissement 75020

125 Rue De La Roquette - 75011 Paris, Paris 20eme Arrondissement 75020

11 Rue Scribe, Paris 9eme Arrondissement 75009